Integration with Sleuth
Tania Bolongaro
I think this would be an interesting addition to Versions.
Some usage insights would be helpful!
Vincent Koopmans
In a larger organisation with distributed product teams, and larger libraries. I would like to know which kind of elements / components in the Design system require the most work.
If I can see which components take up to much time compared to others I can act accordingly.
Now the version history doesn't really support those insights.
Max Ignatyev
Vincent Koopmans: how would you like it to work? To have a component browser where you can see the history for a specific artboard or symbol and based on the activity evaluate how much time was spent on it or it's something else?
Vincent Koopmans
Max Ignatyev: This is a simple report showing amount of layers within a sketch file. That doesnt really tell me anything.
But for me personally it would be useful to see:
Which objects / styles within sketch get changed a lot.and who makes these changes from the team (contributors)
So some kind of top contributors
How many changes over a selected period
or on what days/time the most changes take place.
That would be intersting from a Management point of view, especially on the larger projects we work on.
And ofcourse to go beyond that, if it would be integrated with atlassian, we could track tickets/issues + version commits....
But getting an insight on where all design hours go would be interesting.
Max Ignatyev
Vincent Koopmans: I see, thanks for clarifying. I will add this to our roadmap, but I just want to share that Jira integration is already in the development and we do track changes on per-artboard(or a per-symbol) level under the hood. One of the next things will be adding is display of this data in the project browser. Same thing with activity feed and top contributors.
Vincent Koopmans
Max Ignatyev: that is really cool!! Thank you 🙏