"Master" Project (contains all assets for all platforms and ability to switch between them)
under review
Tania Bolongaro
For me it's messy to have Android & iOS separate projects, because i need to upload it double time. It would be great to have possibility to merge projects (for example 1 screen have assets with android & iOS resolutions). Also it would be great to have states & variants of the one screen. For example. Now If I want to create different variants of screen I need to prepare separate screens with different tags. And developers have to navigate between them, and each screen have their own assets but most of it is doubled. If they could you one screen and only check different states of them (exp. button off/on) and variants (how it looks on ipad how it looks on iphoneX or old android device). The assets then wouldn't be doubled or tripled between screens.
For now tags work only as information that this screen is part of this system (exp. Home screen) But exp. Home screen can have promo view or something different. Then You need to upload additional screens with only 1 thing changed
Ilya Kozlov
under review
Tania Bolongaro
From user: PJMK
Same here. For example I would like to have one screen naming. But different variants of this one screen. So there won't be mess in screens on Sympli.
Devs could just go to for example to see Menu Screen and only check different variants(states) of this screen.