
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.




Handoff Xcode Plugin

Handoff Xcode Plugin — 1.0.82

  • Added support for Xcode 15 and macOS 14 Sonoma



Handoff Xcode Plugin

Handoff Xcode Plugin — 1.0.81

  • Added support for Xcode 14
  • Fixed a few bugs where applying certain text layer properties to a view would fail with an error
  • Fixed a bug where importing an asset with complex unicode name would result in a mis-configured asset entry in .xcassets
  • Fixed a few UI quirks in the Simulator overlay


Handoff Xcode Plugin

Handoff Xcode Plugin — 1.0.80

  • Fixed a bug where hiding Xcode or Simulator with
    wouldn't hide Sympli plugin window as well
  • Fixed a bug in Xcode 13.2 and above where
    Apply All
    buttons would display the "Please select views" error message and not do anything even if you, in fact, have some views selected in your xibs or storyboards


Handoff Xcode Plugin

Handoff Xcode Plugin — 1.0.79

🐛Fixed a bug where trying to activate the Sympli Simulator overlay would crash the plugin


Handoff Web App

Handoff Figma Plugin

Handoff Sketch Plugin

Handoff Android Studio Plugin

Handoff Xcode Plugin

Design System support

We're happy to introduce a new way of handing over your design decisions – Design Systems!
Now you can define the elements of your design system in Sympli Handoff, and reuse them across your projects.
  • Designers can sync colors and text styles right from Figma or Sketch with Sympli Handoff plugin, upload fonts to the web app, and create spacings and size tokens.
  • Developers can see the token information next to the absolute values for sizes, spacings, colors, and text layers in the inspector, as well as fetch the pre-generated code snippets, and download fonts.



Handoff Xcode Plugin

Handoff Xcode Plugin — 1.0.78

🛠 Added support for Xcode 13
🐛 Fixed an issue where controls for deleting and editing design comments are not visible and couldn't be activated in certain cases


Handoff Xcode Plugin

Handoff Xcode Plugin — 1.0.77

🍎 Added support for Xcode 12 and the upcoming macOS 11 Big Sur



Handoff Xcode Plugin

Handoff Xcode Plugin - Version 1.0.74

✨ Added support for designs uploaded from our brand new Figma plugin
🐛 Fixed a bug that could prevent layer colors from being applied to views in certain rare cases